Occupational Certificate: Close Protection

NQF Level: NQF Level 05
Minimum Credits: 131


This qualification is intended for individuals interested in the close protection field be they new entrants, security personnel or government officials within the arena of safety in society and other persons involved in close protection functions. Learners who achieve this qualification will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills including attitudes and values pertinent to the close protection sector. The close protection learner will not only gain the protection competencies needed by this sector, but will also gain valuable skills in terms of conflict management, protocol, etiquette, diplomacy and threat and risk analysis.

Close protection officers are often required not only to react appropriately to any threat or situation confronting or impeding his/her principal, but also to plan activities of the principals whom they are protecting (taking into account risks and hazards) and to interact with diplomatic, public and other figures. This qualification is designed to produce a well-rounded individual who is able to manage difficult and sensitive situations. Physical protection is normally the last action which such an individual must take as the planning and conflict resolution skills should always be utilised first in all risk related matters.

This qualification intends to provide learners with competencies that will enable them to provide professional close protection services by way of creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment within which a principal(s) can conduct his/her activities relative free of threat, harassment, embarrassment and undue interference. This qualification is designed to provide learners who wish to join the close protection service sector with competencies to respond and deal effectively with, situations that may detrimentally affect their principal(s), within the prevailing regulations and legal prescripts.

Qualified learners will be able to:

  • Researching protective risk-related information.
  • Formulating a risk profile.
  • Planning and preparing for a close protection operation.
  • Implementing close protective measures.
  • Communicating with role-players within the context of protective operation.


The security sector plays an integral part in South Africa as it assists the law enforcement sector with a sustained environment in which crime is prevented and deterred. It is therefore, vital to ensure that persons within the ambit of private and public close protection are adequately trained and educated in terms of their competencies, skills and values. The security domain is divided into different sectors of which close protection is one.

Close protection is a vital domain of security as it provides protection services to public and private figures such as high-ranking governmental officials and dignitaries. The creation of a safe and secure environment for these public and private figures is important as it creates a stable platform for them to fulfil their mandates and roles. Without their safety they would be unable to contribute to the country on various levels including, political, business, scientific, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and entertainment levels. While the general security of the society in the country plays an important role to ensure that all citizens are secured and protected, it is of national interest that individuals such as business leaders, diplomats, dignitaries, celebrities and the general public are protected. Therefore this qualification plays a pivotal role in fulfilling the need for a safe and protected environment. This qualification will enable learners to gain knowledge and skills to assist principal(s) live their lives in a safe and secure environment. The importance and impact of Close Protection in South Africa is significant, especially with the current development initiatives by government to improve the economy of the country, for example, protection of dignitaries from other countries visiting the South African government, international sporting events and concerts where protection is needed for both individuals and spectators.

Most learners endeavouring to complete this qualification may come from the law enforcement, defence and private security sector. Many of them would have completed a qualification in basic security aspects and will then move on to complete this qualification as it forms an area of specialisation within the security sector. However, this qualification has also been designed to allow learners who have no previous experience to access the sector. Learners entering this qualification will be able to progress vertically from generic security and law enforcement services qualifications to more specialized close protection services as well as articulate horizontally to security management practices, bomb disposal, policing, special combat capabilities and certain emergency medical care qualifications.

Currently there are a limited number of trained individuals who were either trained overseas or within the government sector to perform exclusive close protection services and as a result there is a serious shortage of trained people in this field. The number of current close protection officers in the country is limited hence the need for this qualification is eminent in order to develop a pool of close protection officers. The qualification facilitates access to education, training and a career path within the close protection services thus developing a pool of qualified, professional close protection personnel. This qualification aims to formalize close protection as a credible profession in South Africa as there was previously no complete formal qualification recognized by authorities or registered on the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF).


  1. Research protective risk related information.
  2. Range: Risk related information refers to information directly relevant to a protection operation.
  3. Formulate a risk profile.
  4. Plan and prepare for a close protection operation.
  5. Implement close protective measures.
  6. Range: Close protective measures include but are not limited to proactive and reactive, static and transit measures.
  7. Communicate with role-players within the context of close protection operations.

Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:

This qualification addresses the following Critical Cross-Field Outcomes, as detailed and expressed in the associated unit standards:

  1. Problem-solving.
     Range: Identifying and solving problems in which responses indicate that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when acting on decisions to solve close protection industry related problems efficiently and effectively.
  2. Working effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation or community.
     Range: Working effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, or community by participating effectively in carrying joint work with other people and helping to improve the work of his/her immediate team to meet organizational goals and objectives.
  3. Organising and managing oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively.
     Range: Organizing and managing oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively through prioritizing personal tasks and maintaining as well as implementing a task list.
  4. Collecting, analysing and organising information.
     Range: Collecting, analysing, organizing and critically evaluate information when determining and implementing a course of action.
  5. Communicating effectively.
     Range: Communicating effectively, using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written communication and persuasion.
  6. Using science.
     Range: Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the well-being of others by using technology to gather and interpret information relating to security risks.
  7. Understanding the world as a set of related systems.
     Range: Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognizing that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation when engaging with complex interrelated aspects of society and challenges and demands of close protection from the legal, ethical, economic and political perspectives.
  8. Understanding the learner and society.
     Range: Participating as responsible citizens in the life of local, national and global communities as the knowledge and skills acquired will contribute towards effective and efficient close protection practice.


This qualification articulates horizontally with the following registered qualifications:

  • ID 49124: National Diploma: Bomb Disposal, NQF Level 5.
  • ID 48879: National Diploma: South African Special Forces Operations, NQF Level 5.
  • ID 50122: National Certificate: Policing, NQF Level 5.

This qualification articulates vertically with the following registered qualifications:

  • ID 50194: BA. Policing Practices, NQF Level 6.
  • National Diploma: Policing at NQF Level 6.
  • B Tech Security Risk Management.